Confession 5 – Levites

You guys think that Aaron and his sons were psyched to Priests? That they knew exactly what was going on? That they were 100% prepared to serve God with their lives that way? Do you think they had it all together? Do you think that when they were being called and anointed in Leviticus 8 they were all smiles and sunshine? Maybe they were scared to death, maybe they didn’t have a clue why they had been chosen, or why they were doing what they were doing.. I mean I’m a Youth Pastor I work at a church, have my office and resources to use, skills and gifts to employ. However, most of the time I come in to my office and look at what needs to be done, the list of students on my desk and I think, “Who am I that I am responsible for this ministry?” I really hope that the Levites in the Bible where like this, otherwise I guess I feel quite foolish.